Sunday, October 6, 2013

7 Fall Nail Art Tutorials



Step 1:

Paint 1 coat of white polish on all your nails. (This is to have the neon polish, that will be applied next, be nice and bright)

Step 2:

Paint 1-2 coats of neon green polish on top of the white polish.

Step 3:

Use nail stripers and dotting tools to make the face and hair of Frankenstein on your accent nail, I used my ring finger as my accent nail. Then use silver polish on a dotting tool to make little ovals on either side to represent, I guess they're nails... I don't really know. 

Step 4:

On the rest of your nails, use a black nail striper to make little scars with stitches.


Step 1:

Paint all your nails with a coat of white polish.

Step 2:

Paint all but your ring finger nail with a coat of neon orange polish.

Step 3:

Use a white nail striper to draw 3 scallops in the corner of each orange nail.

Step 4:

Use a black nail striper to create a spider web pattern on each scalloped section and on your white accent nail.


Step 1:

Paint each nail with a yellow polish. (Some polishes might need a coat of white under it to make it stand out. Mine did but I skipped that step for time sakes.)

Step 2:

Paint the top 2/3 of each nail with a bright orange polish. 

Step 3:

Paint the top 1/3 with white polish.

Step 4:

For extra definition outline the entire nail using a black nail striper. 


Step 1:

Paint each nail with a fall-y taupe-y brown polish. 

Step 2:

Use a white polish to make a pumpkin shape at the base of each nail, towards the cuticle.

Step 3:

Cover up the white section with a bright orange polish. 

Step 4:

Use a small bit of green polish to make the stem of a pumpkin. 

Step 5:

Use a black nail striper to outline and draw lines inside the pumpkin.


Step 1:

Paint your nails orange, with a black accent nail.

Step 2:

Put either orange and white or black and white (depending on the base color) polka dots on the side of each nail. 

Tip: Make the dots on the black nail white before you make them orange in order to have them show up. 

This is definitively my favorite manicure of them all because it's so simple and so cute. 


Step 1:

Paint all your nails with brown polish. 

Step 2:

Use a black nail striper to draw a thick stripe on your ring finger nail to represent a tree stump. 

Step 3:

Use a dotting tool dipped in white polish to make tons on white polka dots concentrated towards the tips of your nails and at the top and bottom of your tree stump. 

Step 4:

Use the same dotting tool dipped in any polish that reminds you of fall leaves and cover the white dots. I left some uncovered to brighten the manicure up. 


Step 1:

Paint all but your ring finger nail with two coats of white polish. 

Step 2:

Use a large dotting tool dipped in different bright colors to make candies on the white nails.

Step 3:

On the accent nail, paint the top 2/3 of the nail with a brown polish.

Step 4:

Use a black nail striper to outline the brown section - giving it a jagged edge, a handle, and a "T/T" standing for "Trick or Treat."

Step 5:

Use a small dotting tool dipped in black polish to make small dots around the candies on the white nails to incorporate the black from the accent nail.

And that concludes my fall nail art tutorials I hope you enjoy trying them out for yourself. Let me know which tutorial is your favorite and comment pictures of your recreations in the comments! I'd love to see them. :)

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